Jamie Lynne Poetry

{October 6, 2013}   Fire

The fire burns
I lie awake
Watching the grey pollute the sky
My face, dirty from the smoke
Embers flashing memories
A warmth that floods the heart
The days that awaited the fall of dark
When passion could take precedence
We waited eagerly
Resisting primal urges
Until the last of daylight slipped behind the mountains
Hands roaming under sleeping bags
You were my weakness
The shadows danced
Completely in sync with the flames
My heart raced
A look exchanged between forbidden lovers
Drawn to the glow
My eyes refused to close
Undeniable lust won
Every moment you were mine
The coals burned through the night
As did we
But with the rising of the sun
We couldn’t hide
The fire died
Hesitantly, we broke our grasp
Our secret turned to ash

TallMrKrall says:

Thanks for sharing your talent with us Jamie.

Anytime. 🙂
3am… why not? Haha

TallMrKrall says:

The creative little insomniac, too cute.
Try progressive muscle relaxation, I’m the worst sleeper but that seems to help me the most.

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